Monday, January 12, 2004

Do men and women like different kinds of books?

Fresh loved Barney’s version, but I didn’t. Now I’m reading a book called Disgrace, which he enjoyed. It’s ok…I guess.

I’ve recommended two books that he liked: The Watch That Ends the Night (Hugh McLennan) and Famous Last Words (Timothy Findley). And of course, I introduced him to reading Charles Bukowski.

He seems to like books about obnoxious womanizing male protagonists with little or no redeeming qualities. Why? Why?

Men also love the movie Field of Dreams. It was good. But I don’t know why all the men in the audience were misty-eyed. Oh well.

Everybody’s a comedian
Don’t forget to read the reviews!

Overheard in the elevator.
Guy 1: What’s the white ribbon on your coat for?
Guy 2: I forget. Oh, wait! It’s for Alzheimer’s.

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