Wednesday, August 06, 2003

The Queen Is Not Amused
So, more angst.

I’ve decided that I need to learn how to do something new. To be challenged. Ideas:

Improv Classes
Fairly nearby. New classes don’t start for a while. Maybe September.

Need supplies. Like paint for instance. But a possibility. Also see: Need money

Sky Diving
Money and location a problem.

Web Site
Hmmm….not bad. But I do spend all day doing web sitey stuff, so not a real change of pace.

An instrument
Have to buy instrument. Poss. pay for lessons. Noise factor might awaken Ice Prince.

A language
Really need classes to do it justice. A bit too practical for my liking.

House Cleaning
I want to buy the book Home Comforts. It’s exercise, it’s practical and it’s a lost art.

Been there, done that. But I would like to branch out into crème brulé, pies and other more advanced dessert items.

But by the time I have free time at night, it’s dark.

Bad for the waistline. Causes me to obsessively read until I finish the book. Expensive (I can read a book a day). Libraries rarely carry books I want to read.

We need a shed. I was thinking of building one. Prob of materials cost.

Too passive.

What I really wish I could do is something like THIS. Sigh!

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...