Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Bit and Bites
Tonight I am going to Crabby’s house to see her favourite movie: Only You.

Fresh is starting his guitar lessons on Saturday. He has rented a guitar and it smells good. Like wood. Like a good wood guitar should. Hey, that kind of makes me a groupie, eh?

What else, what else. I facilitated my first Planning Session yesterday. It went okay. I think I failed Flip Chart Paper Tearing.

I’m going to Goodwill tonight because they have a 50 per cent off sale tomorrow. Why does that logic make sense? There will be lots of good stuff there which people have not bought because they are waiting until tomorrow. I will snap it up tonight. Extra $3.50 be damned! Plus its very close to Crab Central.

And in the Small World After All category, the business colleague I shared a cab home with last night was once Branch Manager for my bank in Glencoe (2 years before I moved there) AND lives directly across the road from Mikevil and Markus (at #22). Wave at Brad, boys!

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...