Monday, February 07, 2005

The Artist Soon To Be Known As Ice Prince
Ice Prince is a very good kid. Up until now, he would go to bed and stay there until 7:00 am or so, when he would sing to himself until I went and got him. It never occurred to him that he could get out of bed himself. But all that changed this weekend, when suddenly, Fresh and I were greeted with IP padding into our room and saying in a sing-song voice: “Good morning, my sweetie-girl!”

We went and had brunch at a pub yesterday and listened to live jazz. IP was very disappointed that he wasn’t allowed to play any instruments. Eventually, he solved this by commandeering my purse, which he transformed into:
1. A guitar (one strap over one shoulder and fingering chords on the other strap and strumming the purse)
2. A trumpet (blowing into one strap and playing notes on the other.)
3. A drum (obvious)

When the music slowed down, he switched to interpretive dance.

The boy need some music lessons. And soon!

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