Monday, August 09, 2004

Note to my Dates Tonight
Ice Prince is sick. I'll be swinging by the office to pick up work and then home again.

Raincheck please?

Fresh Gets Promotion
He's now the head guy in his office and will be liaising much more with the Big Guy. More admin work, less night meetings.

Ice Queen Hall of Shame
Yesterday I dropped by the outskirts of the Taste of the Danforth food festival to get dinner.

A man in front of me with a six year old son crumpled up a large piece of paper and stuck it in a curbside flowerpot.

"Excuse me," said I "You seem to have dropped something." And I handled it back to him.

He took it sliently and grimly. And he put it in the trash can several feet away.

Ice Queen 1 Thoughtless People Messing Up My Neighbourhood 0

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...