Thursday, May 08, 2003

So I am emerging slowly from my antibiotic haze. My mouth is “perfect” (says the Orillia-Maximillian surgeon), but the drugs killed me.

Four teeth
About 10 pounds
Chance to make fudge with Crabby

Expanded wardrobe (now fit into some pre-preg clothes)
Fear of antibiotics
Love of cranberry and gingerale
Respect for Fresh’s ability to run the household without me
A very messy house (running the household did not include cleaning, except for dishes)

Teeth cleaning
More new clothes
Basically, a spring tune-up

Yeah, boring post, but I’m recovering. More Ice Queen Brand hilarity and weirdness as the days pass.

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...