Wednesday, September 15, 2004

B-b-b-b-b-b-bad to the Bone
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usIs it possible to expel a Junior Kindergartener? Stay tuned and find out. The teacher has sent a message through my daycare provider that Ice Prince has some behaviour problems and she needs to speak to me. Polite, eh? I guess my phone numbers weren't on any of the 10 forms I filled out last week. Who knew?

And then, my daycare provider told me that she and her husband can no longer drop IP off at school in the mornings because the other kid they took to school with IP is leaving and her husband got his shift changed around.

So, in a nutshell:
1. Kid may be expelled. Need to find new school? Miltary school? Private school? Home school? What?
2. Daycare won't drop him off, which means Fresh or I have to, which means big headaches around work, because our jobs do not exactly start at 9:30ish.
3. Kid may be bad seed and end up in correctional institute for junior offenders, thus solving both problems. Honey, if you have to commit a crime, how about something that would be revenue generating for your dear old mum, eh? There's a good boy.

Bloody, bloody, bloody.

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