Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Romance for Grown-Ups
We’ve got the babysitter booked for Saturday and guess where we’re going: IKEA! Yes! I’m so excited! And the clincher is, Fresh is buying! His role is saving for major purchases. Like I have the willpower for that.

We need a new rec (wreck, really) room couch. Ice Prince was doing gymnastics on ours and he slid down a wire that was sticking out of it, earning a nice scratch down his leg. Plus it smells pretty bad (milk and other liquids from I.P.).

I have my eye on a blue L-shaped sofa that coverts into a bed chesterfield. We don’t really need the bed part, but what the heck. Could come in handy.

The IKEA catalogue is like pornography. No, it is pornography.

The CD for The Ice Queen Mum Project
My Mom is having a cataract operation today. Because we both have a warped sense of humour, I want to make her a CD of “eye” music. Here are my ideas. Please add any you can think of:
These Eyes – Burton Cummings
Doctor My Eyes - who did that?
Ise the Bye (trad. Newfie)
Blue Eyes – Elton John
Brown Eyed Girl – you know who!
Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...