Thursday, March 24, 2005

Paper Tiger
If it weren’t for the G-D snow again, I’d be very happy today. As such, I am pretty darn happy, which is fine by me.
House is kinda clean-ish
Aunt Susan is dropping off Easter Basket for Ice Prince tomorrow
NYC friend Rich is coming for dinner on Saturday
Spring is just around the corner, I swear
Good stuff going on at work (more on this later if anything develops)
Big ass coffee
Housewarming present for parents (giant grill/griddle thing, which I will naturally borrow when entertaining)
Dryer coming!
Basement 90% ready for parents
Husband 90% ready for parents
Fresh is making grand progress on the guitar – very pleasant to listen to him practice
Long weekend
Done most of the heavy duty stuff I need to do at work…for a few days at least
Meeting I didn’t want today cancelled
Boss asks for things these days and then says :”I don’t need to see this. You’re a good writer. Just send it.”

Anyhow, more stuff to do at work. May have to go choose some paper this afternoon. Don’t you hate it when you want 100 lb and you get 60 lb? And you get glossy instead of matte? I used to trust my print guy, but lately I am questioning his taste in paper.

Glossy, indeed. Pfft!

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...