Monday, April 03, 2006

Reader Suggestions Welcome
I am taking Tuesday and Wednesday off.
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I need a vacation. Badly. Desparately.I have no money. Well…very little money.

I want to DO something. What shall I do? (Don’t say “Dallas”.) It must be something that energizes me and makes me glad to be alive.

Note: I can’t stay home – Ice Prince is NOT relaxing. It’s going to be wet, cold and nasty and I have no car. I also have no umbrella. Maybe I should go buy an umbrella? Fun!

In other news: Frankstock invitations will be going out this week. Watch for them and come along for the best time you can have with your clothes on! (Legally.)

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...