Monday, March 29, 2004

She’s a very freaky girl. The kind you don’t take home to mother.
It’s officially spring. Ice Prince and I saw the first yellow crocuses (croci) this morning.

Spring also means our annual trek north to my sister-in-law’s house where all the tables are made out of glass. Great fun with a toddler, let me tell you. Her dining room is too small, so Ice Prince and I have to sit at the kid’s table in the kitchen with my niece.
Anyhow, last night, Fresh and I were watching the Food Network and saw this. “Hey, “says Fresh, “That would be a cool thing to make for taking up to my family.”

Yes! The opportunity to be creative! Fresh’s family already thinks I’m a bit of a freak, and I tend to perpetuate that view. Should be fun to try making, but I bet it’s not as easy as it looks….. Stay tuned for a progress report. The test kitchen will be trying to make pineapple daisies this weekend.

In other news, Boomer and I are going to some launch party for Fashion Cares on Thursday, which should be cool. It’s at The Mod Club. I’m just sad that I never found white go go boots, but I think I will make a trip to Global Village on my lunch hour and see what’s up in the world of retro secondhand wear. Should I wear the tiara?

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