Thursday, February 03, 2011

Come On, Scream for Ice Cream Gif - Come On, Scream for Ice Cream

So maybe you're here because you saw that the Cafe was closing and you wanted to keep in touch with me, Susan, as I ease back into civilian life.  Welcome!

I used to blog daily before we opened the cafe.  I'd lke to get back into it.

I am currently interviewing for jobs in Internal Communications Management, which is what I spent 10 years doing.  I've had two face to face interviews I am pretty psyched about, so we'll see how those pan out.

Feel free to dig around in the archives.  I'm a little verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

1 comment:

Unknown Partner said...

Hey, I was at the café a couple of days ago and mentioned that FreshBooks is hiring! :) We do online invoicing, but with style (and we have a LOT of fun doing it).

We're always looking for good people, even if we don't have a job description that matches. Despite the name, Editor Extraordinaire sounds like the closest thing listed to Internal Communications Management. "Is the world of communications your playground? Does the thought of creating fantastic content to be gobbled up and relished by millions of fans get you giddy?" :)

Best of luck!

Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...