Friday, April 11, 2003

Small Happinesses

I had the most beautiful lunch hour.

I alternated running and walking all through Rosedale. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping, the Phillipino nannies were arriving for their afternoon shifts. The green grass was poking through the snow. Rosedale even has nicer sidewalks – they’re interlock brick. Très classy. I listened to the soundtrack to Rent on my headphones.

Then I went to Summerhill and got fish kabobs for dinner, and Fred’s bread and a bottle of nice wine. Then, I discovered that Rosedale has no ABMs and had to walk up to St. Clair to get subway fare back.

I actually feel like a got a bit of sun on my face. Inconceivable!

I love working in mid town.

(Boomer...I'm waiting for my gold star.....)

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