Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Status Report

Busy, busy today, but here's a quick update:
1. Enjoying strange and probably temporary Golden Child status at work.
2. The mall in Ajax where my CT scan was have a gas leak when we arrived. It was over in time.
3. Scan was fine. They put you on a table in a dark room with a comfy pillow and slide you into a tube that whirs. I almost fell asleep.
4. Ice Prince threw up when we arrived at day care this morning. Luckily my parents were waiting out front still, ready to drop me off before they headed home. So they're staying another day or two. What a relief. I couldn't take more time off work!
5. Scan results early next week.

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Douglas Adams was right about giant currency . Marie Curie " I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to...